a sweet moment

hye all ..today myshort story is hang with my sibling :)

i'm happy dpt jln2 ngan adk b'adik sndry..mule2 ingt nk gi JPO but pusing crik parking xde..xpe dkt je laen ary bley pegi lg..lps tu trs patah blek gi IOI MALL..pegi E-BOOKs teman abg aq bli buku..:) lps tu gi COOLBLOG abg aq blnje..hahha..lps tu kteorg grk jln2 gi HUTAN BANDAR tp xde org so patah blek grk HUTAN BANDAR TMN MUTARA RINI..smpi2 je bru nk parking trs hujan..so trs grk blek..spnjng pjlnan blek hujan lebat..jln pn pnh air..lps tu prt pn lapar so blek kteorg singgah MCD mkn..peh best la ary ney sme mkn ,minum,minyak org blnje..thnk my sis n my bro...hehhehe
 (happy with them)loveyousomuch